Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


Vending Machines Can Be A Healthy Option

When a lot of people think of vending machines, they think of the traditional machine stocked with chocolate bars, candy, and sugary sodas. The truth is, vending machines do not have to look like that. Of course, everyone loves a nice chocolate bar every once in a while, but if you want to push a healthier lifestyle in your office or facility, there are other vending options out there for you. Bevco offers top-of-the-line vending machines and micromarkets for your space and we can stock them with healthy snacks that will satisfy your employees and visitors.

Meal Options

Aside from healthier options, vending services can offer much more than traditional snacks and drinks. We can provide whole meals that can help your workspace stay motivated and energized. And these meals aren’t the ugly, rubbery ham and cheese sandwiches you may be picturing. You can choose from ten different types of fresh salads (from garden salads to chicken Cesar salads), wraps of varying varieties that will work great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, different types of sandwiches on wheat bread, and even whole dinner platters, soups, and fruit options. So, visitors and employees won’t have to run out for a decent, nutritious meal.


Soda may be just the right way to satisfy a craving, but too much soda can be a problem. It’s easy to fall into a soda habit too. People love their daily pop and cutting back can be hard, especially when soda is conveniently located in the breakroom. So, having other, healthier beverage options may be a great way to help people boost their energy and quench their thirst without soda. We offer a variety of beverages from 100% juices (orange, apple, grape, and more), to lemonades, V-8, low-fat milk, diet sodas (for those who can’t give up their daily soda fix, but want to be healthier), and, the healthiest drink of all, water.


Vending machine snacks are practically a cornerstone of snacking culture. People genuinely enjoy punching in the numbers for their snack and watching it be delivered. And that joy of watching your snack roll or drop down doesn’t have to be tinged with guilt every time. You can enjoy a healthy snack like low-fat versions of your favorite chips, high-energy nuts and trail mix, granola bars, cereal bars, fruit snacks and more.

Bevco offers the best in the vending industry, so contact us today to take your facility’s snacking to the next level!

