Should I Upgrade my Vending Machines to a Micro Market?
For the most part, vending machines have not changed much in their long and varied history. Whether they were delivering cigars, stamps or snacks, vending machines have been a reliable and easy way to provide people with products. But if you have a larger facility or are looking for more variety than what the classic vending machine can provide, a micro market might just be the perfect solution for you and the employees and guests who use your spaces.
Micro markets and vending machines both have the same purpose: making the people in your facility comfortable by taking care of some of their most basic needs. But micro markets can provide so much more than just snacks and drinks giving them a leg up on the traditional vending machine. Micro markets can be stocked with items of a much greater variety, from healthy snacks to breakfast, lunch and dinner options that allow your employees and visitors grab an easy meal or satisfying snack quickly. Aside form that, they can also be stocked with everyday necessities like aspirin or headphones, essentially the stuff that helps you get through the workday.
Space is another reason many people are upgrading their vending machines and opting for a micro market. Micro markets can utilize your available space in a much more efficient and personalized way. When we install a micro market, it’s designed to fit into your existing space perfectly. That means the micro market is integrated into your facility or workplace. Instead of a vending machine bank, a micro market may be a more practical use of your space.
Micro markets are also much easier to adapt as the world continues to handle COVID. With a micro market, safety is much easier through social distancing and touchless purchase. You can easily regulate the number of employees who can use your micro market at a time and ensure that purchasing products is safe and easy. Micro markets are also the perfect way to make the transition back to the workplace easier on employees who had been working from home, ensuring that meal options are as accessible as in your own home kitchen.
Get in Touch
Still not sure? Contact our micro markets experts today and let’s chat about installing a micro market in your facility at no cost to you.