Defining Company Culture With a Micro Market
How important is your company culture? If your answer to that question is ‘not very’ or ‘not sure’, you may have a problem. When businesses have a hard time clearly outlining a rewarding company culture, they usually struggle to hold on to valuable employees and get the work they need from the employees who stick around. That’s because a poor company culture – or a lack of it – leads to dissatisfied employees. So, how can you define or redefine your company culture in a positive way and how can micro markets help?
Word and Action
The first step is to establish what the values of your organization are and communicate them clearly in word and action. It’s not enough to say that you are an inclusive, open-door workplace devoted to providing an eco-friendly work environment that puts employees first. You have to deliver on these promises. And not just when clients and customers are there to see. In this case, a micro market can help you put your money where your mouth is and deliver on some of these values. You can demonstrate all of this with a micro market, which can foster a more inclusive atmosphere, a feeling of camaraderie throughout all levels of your organization and provides a genuine benefit to employees with minimal environmental impact.
Community and Culture
Going right along with that, it’s important that your organization is inclusive and that communication is promoted and collaboration is encouraged. And that your employees have clear goals and clear rewards. Culture is a community thing; it can’t exist in solitude. And when you clearly demonstrate a welcome attitude to all people, new ideas and ensure that even the most senior and junior members of your company are working together and communicating clearly, your company culture is allowed to flower and thrive. And when employees feel rewarded for working toward clearly communicated goals, they’re much more engaged. This means better work and higher employee retention.
Micro Markets
Micro markets help here in a few ways. They provide a place where all levels of your business can go to get something to snack on, a drink or just browse shelves. It’s a place where rank or position doesn’t really matter and your employees can talk to each other comfortably, encouraging camaraderie and communication. Micro markets can also give you a great opportunity to reward your employees. It’s easy for business owners to establish programs with their micro markets that reward achieving certain goals with cards or money added to employee accounts that allow your employees to buy items in the micro market.
For more information about how a micro market can benefit your company, contact Bevco today!