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Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


Advantages of Tassimo Over Keurig

If you’re a person who loves coffee, you know you have plenty of options to check out. For coffee drinkers across the world, there are many flavors and brands to try out. Each one of these has their own perks and makes their own claims about their taste and superiority over their competitors. But what about the way the coffee is served? Single-serve vending has been a revelation for coffee drinkers, but there are more options than Keurig’s “K-cups.”

Not everyone knows that Keurig, the maker of single-serve cups or “pods” as many refer to them, have changed the coffee industry in a big way. But while these options do have their benefits, they also present several problems which users of the pods may deal with.

Tassimo is a provider of single-serve vending alternative that offers things pod-based coffeemakers do not. While Keurig K-cups may be common in homes across the country, these solutions were originally intended primarily for office settings – and Tassimo could prove to be the superior choice overall.

The Origin of Keurig K-Cups

K-cups were developed in an effort to provide quick coffee-making solutions outside of the home. While drip-based coffeemakers have always been a top choice among lovers of coffee, these pods are small, compact and easily transportable. This also makes them easy to store and stops them from being contaminated in the way that scoop-based coffee containers are at risk for.

These two characteristics combined make K-cups a popular choice in offices and a variety of other areas. These can include cafeterias, break rooms, waiting rooms and plenty of other locations. But while the convenience presented by K-cups is something that people do seem to enjoy, these cups are not without their shortcomings. Namely, K-cups present a form of environmental hazard.

The Problem with Keurig Cups

Keurig’s pod/cup design has caught on in a big way, but this may not be an entirely positive trend – while they are used in greater numbers than ever before, Keurig’s pods are not biodegradable or recyclable. This on its own would only present a minor problem if not for the growing popularity of the pods – but since they are so widely used, they pose a noteworthy hazard to the environment.

It can be easy for these types of coffee solutions to pile up quickly after they’re used. And as businesses and organizations find their trash cans filling up with pods, many are looking for other solutions to help their employees, patrons, and guests get their fill of coffee.

What Other Problems Do These Cups Present?

Some of these cups are designed to work with certain coffeemakers, while others are not. This can make it difficult to find the right cup for a given machine and also lead to cross-contamination in certain cases. A more user-friendly coffeemaking solution can help users avoid these problems while still getting coffee at their discretion.

The Difficult Problem Posed for Vendors

Those who keep their coffee in vending machines may experience a frustrating problem if they choose Keurig’s cups as their primary product. These pods don’t contain a large amount of coffee, and constantly refilling the machine with more cups can make it hard to handle all the discarded materials properly.

What is Tassimo? What Are the Benefits?

Tassimo introduced an alternative to the single-serve vending cups that have become so popular. These types of coffee-brewing solutions allow a person to save both time and money while also avoiding some of the main problems associated with K-cups. Not only can these brewing systems be useful in professional environments, but they can also be great for homes.

Tassimo doesn’t use cups – instead, they rely on discs. These discs offer several practical advantages in terms of cost-efficiency, user-friendly design and convenience. Because of the differences they have from K-cups, they offer an interesting alternative that can be useful in both residential and commercial facilities.

The Disc Design Means Less Waste

Why T-discs and not K-cups? One of the main reasons is that discs provide you with more for your money. A K-cup can carry a variety of brands of coffee, but they are usually not filled completely full. This means that the materials they use are not arranged in the most environmentally friendly way. Discs use less material in relation to the actual contents inside.

Avoiding Cross-Contamination

If you rely on multiple coffeemakers and brewing devices at different locations, you may find that some are less optimal for K-cups than others. T-discs are designed to work with Tassimo equipment, allowing you to easily make a variety of beverages without worrying about compatibility problems.

The Long-Term Benefits of Making the Switch

Tassimo’s brewing equipment and T-disc solutions make it possible to get a better coffeemaking experience without causing damage to the environment. But their recyclable and space-efficient nature aren’t the only perks these solutions offer. They can also provide many benefits which can be seen in the long term.

One of these is the fact that a wide variety of drinks can be made using Tassimo equipment. Hot chocolate, coffee, espresso, cappuccino, and a variety of other drinks can be made using this type of equipment. The equipment is also designed to provide a fresh and authentic taste that is rare in single-serve vending equipment.

Trying New Coffeemaking Solutions

Those who love coffee usually have a brewing device and a brand of coffee that they rely on. It can be hard to try out something new when you’re comfortable with what you’ve been using in the past. But choosing to use Tassimo can be a big step that pays off in the short- and long-term. Not only can it help you get fresher-tasting drinks, but it can also allow you to enjoy coffee and other beverages without having a negative environmental impact.

K-cups are a known solution in the coffee industry, but more alternatives for single-serve coffee are developing all the time. Choosing something new can open a person (and their organization) up for a better, more affordable and more eco-friendly experience. Contact Bevco today to learn more about making the switch.
