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Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


What to Ask Yourself When Considering Vending Services

When it comes to your vending options, you have some choices. There are a number of questions to ask yourself before you invest in vending services for your facility. Here are a few questions to help you figure out what type of vending service is right for you.

Vending Machine or Micro Market

One of the first things to ask yourself is if you want a vending machine or if you want a micro market. Vending machines and micro markets both have their advantages. Vending machines require no extra installation, but with micro markets, you’ll have to pay for shelving and other items. But vending machines only offer a limited range of products, while micro markets offer a large and varied list of products.


You’ll also want to consider the space where you’ll be installing the vending machine or micro market. Does your property allow you to install your vending machine or micro market and do you have the room for them? Is the middle of your office a good place to put a distracting vending machine, or should you find somewhere out of the way to put you machine?


You also have to decide what products you want available to your staff and visitors. Do you want to offer beverages, snacks, or both? Do you need a coffee maker or something with more varied options? Do you want all healthy options in your micro market, or do you want tried and true snack favorites?

Your Vending Service Partner

It’s also good to consider what services you’ll need from your vending services partner. Not all vending service businesses are the same. Do you want state of the art vending options, or outdated machines that will need constant maintenance? Do you want the best service in the business, or do you want to be stuck with a broken machine for months? Do you want options for the materials your employees and visitors can buy from your vending machines or micro market?

Those last questions should have been easy to answer. You want to best vending service partner out there. When you partner with Bevco, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best service, the most options, and the best equipment in the vending business. Contact our team to discuss your options further!
