Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


The Hidden Benefits of Providing Healthy Snacks for Employees

If your company is looking to onboard the best talent, you need to start thinking about the snacks you offer. In the modern workplace, more and more companies are offering better snack options to their employees. If your breakroom is only outfitted with a coffeepot and a watercooler, you may be losing out on better talent and more employee satisfaction without realizing it.

Top talent looks for the top perks, but today’s top perks are more about the office environment than financial incentives. Of course, snacks benefit more than the hiring process; they can make the employees already staffed much happier overall.

It Brings People Together

The happiest employees are the ones that get along with their co-workers. Food is a great ice breaker and an organic way to spend time together outside of projects. It provides the perfect environment to talk shop with less stress and can lead to better collaboration for the team.

It Shows Appreciation

When a company makes sure their employees are well-stocked with healthy snack options, they feel like the company cares. Having machines with multiple coffee options, offering tea, and having food that will benefit them throughout the day will keep an employee happy and show the company has considered their needs outside of getting tasks completed.

Saves Employees Time and Money

A study conducted by Staples found 50 percent of workers left to get snacks at least once a day, but some would leave as much as five times a day. This means employees were getting less time on their work and spent more money at overpriced convenience stores. Having a breakroom stocked with snacks can take the stress off workers to be properly fueled throughout the day and save them the hassle of going off-site.

Focus, Productivity and Fewer Sick Days

Beyond creating a collaborative environment, snacks help employees stay focused and healthy. Snacks also give necessary breaks to employees and help to clear their mental palate. However, the most impressive benefits is a decrease in sick days when the snacks are healthy. By providing healthy options to employees, you are helping them stay healthier, which leads to less illness and fatigue. Having the option for necessary breaks also means less mental health days, since employees will wear down less easily.
