Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


Effects of Coffee on the Body

Each morning, many people across the country start their day off with a cup of coffee yet few know what happens to their body after consumption. Understanding the body’s response to caffeine in general and specifically, coffee can help jumpstart the morning naturally. Rather than continually drinking caffeinated beverages, understand its effect on the body and how to get the most out of your morning cup.

Body Clock

When caffeine is consumed later in the day, it could have a profound effect on sleeping patterns due to how it can reset the internal body clock. This is because the properties of coffee delay the rise of melatonin needed for a good night’s rest. In fact, the beverage appears to trick the body into believing it is one hour earlier in the day than it actually is, as the bodily functions that begin to slow down as the day grows later are awoken by the drink. Further, the drink doesn’t just delay sleep; it lightens the necessary restorative sleep our bodies need.

Heart Rate and Lungs

It is no secret that caffeine is a stimulant. However, the way a stimulant works is often not understood. When caffeine enters the bloodstream, it blocks phosphodiesterase. This is the enzyme in the body that works to regulate the heartbeat. In some cases, the heart can beat as many as three more times per minute. The actual effects depend on the person, how much has been consumed, and how much and frequently they consume caffeine.

Fight or Flight Mode

Caffeine can have an effect on the fight or flight response that comes with adrenaline, which is released 15 minutes after consuming caffeine. This reaction keeps a person awake for around three hours but when it wears off, they often feel a crash in energy. When this happens, most people will reach for another fix, leading to a cycle of heightened energy and crashes. This is also increased by tolerance that builds over long-term consumption.

Increased Alertness

Concentration is often increased due to enhanced levels of dopamine that come with coffee consumption. This neurotransmitter controls both attention and motivation. Studies have shown the consumption of caffeine actually has an impact on the effectiveness of one’s memory for up to 24 hours and that the beverage could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s when consumed regularly over a lifetime.

Ready to get your office options in their morning coffee fix? Contact Bevco today to find out how our products can help.
