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Benefits of Your Thanksgiving Favorites

Thanksgiving is the one day a year where over eating cannot be avoided. While over eating is never good, your Thanksgiving favorites actually have benefits.


Cranberries or rather cranberry sauce is a Thanksgiving favorite. The benefit of cranberries? They contain lots of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. The antioxidants in cranberries help protect you from urinary tract infections, E.coli, and the common cold.


Mashed potatoes are a traditional Thanksgiving food. The benefits of eating potatoes is they contain potassium and the vitamin B6. Potassium’s benefit is that it allows for your muscles to contract and it nurtures your nerves. Vitamin B6 helps with supporting your metabolism and regulates your immune system.


Stuffing is a prime holiday food and isn’t technically known to be healthy. However, this favorite does have health benefits. Stuffing is filled with antioxidants. It contains the antioxidant pronyl-lysine which is cancer fighting.


Thanksgiving is not complete without the turkey. What most people know about turkey is that if you eat too much you become sleepy. However, turkey contains beneficial antioxidants and vitamins. Turkey contains vitamin B which burns fat, Selenium which protects against cell damage, and turkey also contains tryptophan which builds your immune system.


Pumpkin pie is a popular Thanksgiving dessert. Did you know that pumpkin is filled with tons of antioxidants? The antioxidants found in pumpkin help keep your immune system strong, strengthens your eyesight, and helps fight bad cholesterol.

Thanksgiving is a time of family, friends, and of course a great meal. Enjoy it.
