Are Micro Markets a Good Fit for Schools and Colleges?
School is a valuable part of our lives and should be treated as such. That means that we should be encouraging students to be attentive, energized and ready to take on the challenges that school can provide. The best way to make sure that students are prepared and capable of seizing their educational opportunities is to make sure they’re happy, healthy and less hungry. Micro markets can help your school facility provide a fast and convenient means for getting healthy food.
One of the major benefits of micro markets is their ability to provide speed and convenience. And that shouldn’t always be about ensuring someone using the micro market can get back to work, although that is certainly valuable. For a student on the run, rushing to classes and trying to find time to get homework done, the micro market is for sure a valuable addition to any school. But it’s also a great place for the student looking to make the most of some free time. Dropping into a micro market and quickly grabbing a snack or meal means you have time to enjoy it. And busy students will appreciate that time, whether it’s used to get some extra work done or take a much-needed breather.
Micro markets also provide more than the usual vending machine. Traditional vending machines have their value but are limited by their size as far as options go. A micro market can be stocked with a wide variety of products from snacks and drinks to whole meals to minor necessities like headache relief medications and headphones that may be valuable for a study session in a noisy room. This versatility makes them a great addition to any campus.
Healthy Options
Most importantly, micro markets provide the benefit of encouraging healthy choices. With healthy meal and snack options available, students can learn to make healthier decisions when it comes to what they eat. And with the ability to peruse labels, they can take the initiative to begin a lifelong commitment to healthier choices but still allow themselves and indulgence from time to time too.
For more information about a micro market for you campus, contact our team today!