What Kind of Businesses Should Use a Micro Market?
A lot of businesses might benefit from having some kind of on-site food and drink options for both their staff and visitors. It’s always a nice thing to have a quick snack or drink near at hand during the workday. But not every business will benefit from the same types of on-site food and drink options. Some businesses might do best with a vending machine, some might be better to invest in a larger cafeteria, and some will benefit from micro markets. Here are some of the qualities that make a business ideal for a micro market.
The size of the business is incredibly important in determining what works. When it comes to micro markets, a small to medium-sized business will be able to make the most of this option. This doesn’t mean that larger or smaller businesses cannot benefit from a micro market, but the ideal candidate for this type of vending option has somewhere between 50 and 200 employees. This ensures that the actual location can accommodate a micro market, that items are not quickly going out of stock trying to serve a large group, and that items are not going to waste, sitting on shelves for too long for smaller groups.
Type of Business
The types of businesses that can benefit from micro markets vary greatly. From warehouses to schools to military bases: many types of businesses have chosen micro markets and made the most of them. Businesses with employees that may be on the job for longer than average stretches or during overnight hours can really make use of a micro market, though. The largest use of micro markets is in the manufacturing industry followed closely by other local businesses, such as warehouses, local gyms, government buildings, and offices. So, any type of business can benefit from a micro market, but some may get more use from them than others.
The location of your business may also be an important factor in whether a micro market would be good for you. If you’re in a location where there is a scarcity of easy lunch or dinner options for your employees, also known as a food desert, you may benefit greatly from having a micro market in your business. If there are few stores nearby for employees to visit during their lunch break, a micro market and a decent break room where they can enjoy their meal can help make the workday better.
If you think a micro market might be a good fit for your business, contact our team today!