Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


Vending Services Can Accommodate Those With Food Allergies

Having an office vending machine is a great way to keep employees productive and happy. However, what about those who have food allergies or are on a special diet? Luckily there are options to keep every employee happy.


The items available in the vending machine are not set in stone. You have the ability to customize the selection. For example, nuts are popular items to find in a vending machine.  However, if you have any employees that have a nut allergy they can easily be taken out, making it a safe work environment for everyone.

In recent years, many people have decided to go gluten free. Many foods in general, not just vending machine foods, have gluten as an ingredient. With the ability to customize what goes in the machine, you can choose to offer gluten free snacks. There are gluten free crackers, pretzel sticks, Chex mix, etc. available.

Micro Markets

What is a micro market? A micro market is a small convenience store setup in the office. How does it help with food allergies? Employees are able to physically pick up the item and read the nutrition label. If they are unsure about a certain food they can check the label to make sure it doesn’t contain anything they shouldn’t be eating. Micro markets are also customizable.

Having office vending services is a great way to offer employees a pick me up. Be sure to have an option for everyone.
