Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


More Variety with Food Vending Machines

Vending machines are a terrific amenity wherever you find them. From the office to the airport to commercial centers and apartment complexes, they provide people with access to a quick snack when there’s nothing else around.

But that’s not to say that food vending machines shouldn’t offer a variety of selections, including healthy choices.

When people’s tummies are rumbling, it’s tempting to shove the nearest source of carbs, high fructose corn syrup and salt down their necks.  But that’s not the smartest way to deal with hunger. Mind you, every now and again, there’s nothing like a little junk food to silence a rumbling tummy until a fresh food source is found.

But today, there’s more variety with food vending machines than there’s ever been.

Consumer demand and responsibility

There’s a rising consumer demand for healthy food choices.  This applies across the food service industry, from fast food outlets to vending machines.  People are asking for increased availability of fresh food like fruit and grains. They want water or soda with natural ingredients, instead of a traditional soft drink.

And it’s not just demand that should be driving vending machine companies and those who interface with them.  Offering healthy choices is a matter of public responsibility. A healthier public means less strain on medical services, less sick time leading to lost work hours and negative economic impact.

There’s also the ideal that we’re all contributing to a less obese society by offering more nutritionally-balanced selections in food vending machines.  Sometimes, it’s little changes that make a big impact.

Dispensing wellness

A vending machine which offers something for everyone is the answer to changing consumer demands and a more health conscious society.

Instead of potato chips, cheezies and chocolate bars, vending machine patrons like to see alternatives like packets of trail mix, nuts and dried fruit.  Yogurt is another popular choice. Fresh fruit which can remain in the machine for longer periods of time is also desirable – apples come to mind.

People are much more inclined to quench their thirst these days with water than with sugary soft drinks.  Also popular are natural sodas and fruit juices.

In schools, vending machines offering healthy choices are now mandated in some jurisdictions, steering young people toward healthier lifestyles.  Similarly, hospitals and even offices are stocking their vending machines with food and drink that appeals to the modern imperative to take care of our bodies by filling them with good things.

Bevco’s healthy choices

At Bevco, we’re answering consumer demand for better nutrition in vending machines with alternatives like 10 different selections of fresh salads, delicious wraps, fresh fruit cups and other healthy choices.

Our beverages bring you a wide variety of 100% fresh fruit juices and a selection of the best bottled waters in the market.  You’ll be amazed at the variety of high nutrition alternatives Bevco Service, Inc. brings your vending machine.

Bevco is your partner in dispensing wellness with some of the top names of nutritious vending machine foods available.  Make your vending machine a healthier place with us.  
