Professional Micro Market, Vending, & Coffee Service


Fresh Juice, Tea, and Milk: Healthy Beverages in Your Vending Machine

Many people think vending machines only provide sugary beverages and soda. That notion is totally incorrect. You can purchase low fat milk, fruit juices, and V8 products from your vending machine as well. Does your vending machine not offer healthy drink options? You can customize your choices by simply asking your vending machine company to add the healthy options you want.

Milk is certainly one of the products you should have in your vending machine. There are many health benefits that come with drinking milk. One is it helps with calcium. Calcium helps by making your bones stronger, preventing migraine headaches, and the loss of unwanted fats.

Another benefit of milk is the intake of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps bones grow and reduces the risk of fragile or brittle bones as you age.
A surprising benefit of milk is healthy teeth. Drinking milk helps protect the enamel surface. This helps reduce the risk of tooth decay and cavities.
Milk also helps you stay hydrated. How does it do that? It contains water molecules that helps keep bodies hydrated. Drinking water can do this also, but milk will help with it as well.

It’s true, many vending machines only offer soda. There are many disadvantages to drinking soda. One of them is, unlike milk, soda will make you dehydrated. Caffeine helps increase the chances of dehydration in your body.

Another disadvantage is the high sugar content. A 12 oz serving of Coke contains 3.3 tablespoons of sugar. Taking in all this sugar could increase your chances of getting diabetes.

While milk protects your teeth, soda is no good for them. Soda attracts bacteria. This will cause cavities.
Milk is a better option.

So how about tea? Both hot tea and cold tea can be available in different vending machines. Hot tea is provided with many coffee machines, where cold tea is offered bottled in our cold drink vending machines.

Juice is also always available. Though juice can be high in sugar, it also contains the healthy nutrients from the fruits and vegetables within the juice.

Ask about adding it to your vending machine as well as other healthy beverage options to keep your employees and clients happy and healthy!
