Simple Snacks Sedentary Workers Need for Better Health
Staying healthy while working a desk job can be difficult, especially during busy days. It’s easy to get into the habit of mindless snacking and remaining sedentary after long days. On average, those with inactive jobs are more prone to obesity compared to those who are on their feet more. This is due not only to the back of physical activity but the typical food eaten at an office. Between surprise donuts in the morning to work-sponsored calorie-heavy lunches, it’s all too easy to pack on extra calories leading to access weight.
However, there are simple snack solutions to help stay healthier throughout the day, even when exercise during the day is not an option.
Easy to Bring Fruit and Veggies
When you’re looking for something to munch on, produce can be a great solution. Fruit like bananas, oranges and apples are easy to bring with you, and vegetables can be cut into smaller portions and brought in a sandwich bag. There are even easy containers for low-fat salad dressings and peanut butter to punch up your snack without adding unnecessary calories. The preparation to bring in produce is minimal. Simply wash ahead of time and store them in an easy to bring container.
Simple Lunches
Bringing in lunch doesn’t have to be a major effort. Instead, planning a bit ahead and making healthy considerations go a long way. Whole grain breads can be a great way to get more nutrition out of a sandwich. Vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, avocado and sprouts can make a simple wrap or sandwich much more interest and the flavorful additions will make you miss junk food much less.
Food to Keep at a Desk
Having good food options readily available makes it much easier to stay healthy. Dry foods like nuts, granola, and certain seeds can be a quick fix. Dried fruits can also be added for a simple homemade trail mix that is much healthier than the premade mixes without much extra effort. These foods can easily be kept at the desk without worry of spoilage, making them a low maintenance snack.
Employers concerned about healthy habits in the office should consider micro markets. These solutions give many of the above options with much more convenience for workers, since there will be little to no prep at home. Contact us today to find out how our solutions can create a better company culture.