Save Time in the Morning with Simple Snack Fixes for Work
If your place of employment has not yet offered a breakroom with options in snacks such as a micro market, the mornings can get a little hectic. While it makes good sense to pack the night prior, or on a Sunday for the entire week, there are times when that is not doable. In fact, simply remembering to pack ahead can be a hassle in itself. Instead, look for snacks that are quick to throw together, even on days when you have forgotten about snacks altogether.
Why are snacks so important for the workplace, anyway? They can help promote better concentration and, although it sounds counterintuitive, lead to weight loss. Much research has shown that snacking throughout the day is better for metabolism than having larger meals. Further, those with hectic days at the job could forget lunch altogether. Having snacks that are easy to grab and munch while getting work done will help keep up your metabolism while providing more time during the day to get your work done.
String Cheese
One of the staples of the snacking world, there are a lot of benefits to string cheese. The item is lower in calories than a lot of snacks while also providing more nutrients. There is a large dose of vitamins and calcium in each stick of cheese all while satisfying the need for cheese. There are some pairings to make a simple cheese stick more interesting for the work day such as string cheese with turkey pepperoni, cheese and almonds or other nuts, cheese inside celery or even string cheese with cucumbers or strawberries for a twist.
Having a snack higher in protein is always a smart idea. Not only will it be more immediately satisfying, the effects will last much longer as protein is more filling and lasts longer compared to carbs. Some ideas for getting more protein in your diet, which could lead to weight loss for those worried about their waistline, include boiled eggs, hummus with crackers, and portioned nuts such as almonds or peanuts. These snacks will have an energy-boosting punch behind them any time of the day.
Looking to make life easier for your employees? Contact us today for more information about our products that make snacking at work a cinch.